Monday, January 31, 2011

Theater Arts class puts new spin on classic rock

by Rachel Kenderdine

This spring, Mr. Lynch’s Theater Arts II class is adding a new spin to the traditional musical by writing one based on the music of Queen.

“I was asked by Human Resource Center to do a performance for their annual fundraiser, and they asked what we could come up with,” said Mr. Lynch, Theater Arts II teacher. “Originally, I thought we would write a musical using old songs, and I presented to the class, and they liked it.”

The class took the idea a step further, and, says Lynch, “The next day, Olivia Underwood [a junior in the class,] came in and asked if we could do a musical based around the music of Queen.” The class ran with the idea from there.

Lynch liked the idea and thought the music of Queen would be perfect for their musical because, as he said, “It’s dramatic: the way it’s written, the over-harmony.”

“It’s going to be about high school and high school kids, about parents, and body issues, and sexuality, things that teens deal with,” he said.

“I think it’s a great idea,” said Isaac Staub, a junior who is involved in the production. “Queen music is very related to high school life. Plus, who doesn’t like Queen?”

The musical, whose running title is “Under Pressure” (the title of a Queen song,) will be performed May 14th at the Human Resource Center’s annual fundraiser.

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