Monday, January 31, 2011

A look at PCHS Scholastic Bowl

by Andreanna Smith

If you walk by Mr. Happ’s room at lunch during the months of December through February, you may notice that the classroom is full of students answering the trivia questions that are being read by Mr. Happ. If you look closer you’ll learn those students are a part of an academic team: the PCHS Scholastic Bowl team, that is. Depending on what day you look in, you could be seeing either a majority of juniors and seniors or freshman and sophomores, but most likely a mixture of all. The students in Scholastic Bowl will tell you that they enjoy those practices at lunch.

Mr. Happ is the junior varsity Scholastic Bowl coach, and Mr. Aydt is the varsity coach. The varsity team is made up of seniors Drew Harper, Aaron Alexander, Cara Brooks, Allie Caldwell, and juniors Steven Middleton, Hannah King, Rachel Kenderdine, and Olivia Underwood. The junior varsity is made up of sophomores Tyler Bouslog, Terry Payton, Andreanna Smith, Jasmine Bennett, and freshmen Mike Wells, Sean Thomas, Devyn Chapman, Ryan Coffman, and Sarah Powers. Many students were in Scholastic Bowl in the years prior to high school. Both Ryan Coffman and Sarah Powers stated that they were in Scholastic Bowl at Crestwood.

For those students who are interested in Scholastic Bowl, freshman Sarah Powers states that she would recommend Scholastic Bowl to students who enjoy trivia questions. If you are interested in becoming a part of the Scholastic Bowl team, stop by Mr. Happ's room dring lunch Monday through Thursday with your questions.

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