Friday, November 19, 2010

A Day in the Life of a Computer

by Olivia Underwood

“Come on, Della,” mutters Mr. Aydt to his Smartboard, in the hopes that “Della” will respond by working correctly.

Mr. Aydt is giving his computer a personality just like most of us who have ever been frustrated or amused by our own computer. But what if the computers really DID have feelings? What would it be like to be that computer for a day?

Determined to find out, I came up with a list of questions and taped them to one of the desk in the library’s computer lab. Coming back the next day I expected to find answered questions, but I found out something shocking. Only one person used that computer all day! T.J. Waltz, a 10th grade student at PCHS, was the only person all day to use this slightly outdated computer.

T.J. enjoys his history class and plays baseball for fun and when asked who would win if Winnie the Pooh and Tinkerbell fought, he chose Tinkerbell, “Cause Tinkerbell has powers.”

Let's imagine for just a second how this computer must feel. The computer is a little older with a big moniter and a slow hard drive, it isn’t as new as it once was. It sits through homeroom, first, and second period with no one using it or paying attention to it.

Finally in third hour T.J. comes along and uses it for a single period, the highlight of the computer’s day. For the next five periods it sits alone, waiting patiently for someone to move its mouse and wake it up, but no one comes. At the end of the day it is left awake and alone in a room full of other computers.
Aren’t you glad you aren’t a computer?

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