Thursday, October 21, 2010

Students Audition for IMEA

by Kayla Foushee

Alex Fenza paced nervously up and down the hall at Effingham junior high. With an hour left till his audtition Alex knows he has some time to practice his songs.

Alex Fenza, along with five other Paris Cooperative High School choral students tried out for All District Choir.

All of the choir students were required to preform three triads, three scales, prepared pieces, and sight reading.

“I was somewhat nervous, yet I was confident in myself,” said Alex Fenza to describe how he felts about audtitiong.

The students wre given scales and songs to practice for auditions. They had to score a certain amount of points in order to go to All District.

All of the students that went to IMEA had a lot of fun. “It was a very fun experience. We made new friends who had the same interest as us,” Olivia Underwood said about IMEA. IMEA is a great way for vocalists to learn more aobut their voices, and it’s also a great way to meet new friends.

At IMEA All District the students were auditioning for a mass choir with hundreds of other high school students around the state. Once they audition and make it to All District the juniors and seniors have the option to audition for all state. Only the top singers make it to All State.

IMEA is an amazing thing for singers to take place in. You learn so much aobut music and about your voice and also make a ton of new friend!

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