Thursday, May 19, 2011

Meet the May Fete Court

by Andreanna Smith

At many high schools in the United States, the month of May is packed with activities, but at Paris High School there is a special event held each year just for the senior girls. May Fete is a night full of fun and dance to celebrate the seniors. There is even a court for May Fete, which awards one of the senior girls a crown and the right to call themselves May Fete Queen. This year the Paris High School May Fete court is made up of eight girls, including Millie Arp, Alex Bayless, Shelby Evinger, Callie Keys, Jessica Rose, Katrisha Sexton, Serena Wells, and Danielle Newcomer. Recently, the girls took a survey with questions to help tell you a little bit more about their future plans and with some fun trivia questions also, below are their answers…

Question: What are your plans for after high school?

Millie Arp: My plan after high school is to attend college, further my practices in the art field, graduate, find a job, and have a family.

Alex Bayless: [I plan to] attend Lake Land College for one year, then transfer to a Christian University and eventually own a Christian Radio station for teens.

Shelby Evinger: [I plan on] going to college for nursing.

Callie Keys: I plan on going to Parkland for two years and majoring in nursing. After that, I would like to go to a 4-year school, such as SIUE, and getting at least my Bachelor’s degree in nursing.

Jessica Rose: I plan to go to college and get a job.

Katrisha Sexton: After high school, I would like to go to college, have a family, get married and enjoy my life!

Serena Wells: I plan on going to SIUC where I am going to major in pharmacy.

Question: Where are you going to college and what are you planning on majoring in?

Millie Arp: I am planning to attend Millikin University to study art and theatre tec. Design.

Alex Bayless: [I plan to] attend Lake Land College for one year, then transfer to a Christian University and eventually own Christian Radio station for teens.

Shelby Evinger: [I am going to] Eastern then Lakeview school of Nursing. [I plan on majoring in] Nursing.

Callie Keys: [I am going to ] Parkland [and plan on majoring in] nursing.

Jessica Rose: I plan on going to Indiana State University and majoring in social work.

Katrisha Sexton: I plan on attending Lakeland College then transferring to Eastern Illinois University to major in Early Childhood Education.

Serena Wells: [I am going to] Southern Illinois University Carbondale [and plan on majoring in] pharmacy.

Question: Who would win in a fight, Scooby Doo or Reptar?

Millie Arp: Well, I don’t know much about Reptar because I wasn’t allowed to watch Rugrats when I was little! But I’ve always liked Scooby Doo!

Alex Bayless: Uh.. Reptar!! Duh.

Shelby Evinger: Reptar, Duh!

Callie Keys: Reptar – only because the Rugrat’s are amazing! J

Jessica Rose: Reptar for sure!

Katrisha Sexton: Reptar obviously.

Serena Wells: Reptar – fo sho.

Question: What was your favorite class in high school?

Millie Arp: Definitely art class. But I also really enjoyed the new theatre class. I’m glad I was able to take it this year.

Alex Bayless: Homeroom!! Mr. Barnes

Shelby Evinger: [My favorite class was]Chem Two

Callie Keys: [My favorite class was]Health Occ.

Jessica Rose:[My favorite class was] Adult Living.

Katrisha Sexton:[My favorite class was] Child day care.

Serena Wells:[My favorite class was] English sophomore year.

Question: If you were stranded on an island and could only bring one thing to keep you entertained, what would it be? Why?

Millie Arp: If I were stranded on an island and could only bring one thing to keep me entertained, I would bring lots and lots of paint and paint brushes. I would paint all day long, and when I wanted to be rescued, I’d paint “rescue me” on a big rock. An airplane would see it and com save me. J

Alex Bayless: The Bible.

Shelby Evinger: My best friend Rachel, because we could keep each other from going insane and she can cook me yummy food!

Callie Keys: A solar powered iPod with WiFi- so I could stay up to date with everything going on in the world, and still listen to music.

Jessica Rose: I would bring a radio [because] I love listening to music!

Katrisha Sexton: I would have to take my best friend, Tabi Wimsett because as a team, we could accomplish anything, we could keep ourselves entertained, we could hunt, came, make fires, and handle anything that nature would throw our way!

Serena Wells: My best friend Allie. We would most likely find something fun to do.